EDUCATION IS FREEDOM: the future is in your hands

Foreword by Stedman Graham, bestselling author, businessman, and speaker

Sitting at a dinner, over twenty years ago, I found that the gentleman seated next to me shared a common interest in education. The words he shared with me during that dinner caught my attention. He boldly proclaimed: “Education is Freedom!” Here was this CEO, the leader of one of the world’s most recognizable brands, 7-Eleven, acknowledging the power of education to change the world. That day, Jim Keyes and I became fast friends. We shared a love for education and a belief that everyone, armed with a good education, can accomplish anything in this wonderful world in which we live.

I later discovered that Jim and I share many other interests including the great game of golf. On the course, I found that despite his kindness and benevolence, he was one competitive guy. He is indeed a fierce but fun competitor. Of the many talents he has, there is one that has always stood out—his determination to make things happen. Looking back at his career, he is clearly a man that rose to face a tremendous challenge. Dedicated to his purpose and cause, Jim would always follow through and deliver on the goals that he set. This book is no different. Writing a book is not easy. In fact, it is probably one of the most difficult challenges a person can take on. I applaud him for seeing this process through and bringing this important message to the world. With this book, he is now able to share his remarkable insight into the power of education.

But that is just one medium to share his love of education with the world. Jim is also the founder of the Education is Freedom Foundation. I had the privilege of serving for many years as a founding member on the organization’s board of directors and continue to be proud of the work they have done. The foundation has changed hundreds of thousands of lives by helping young people understand the value of education and believe in their own ability to navigate an educational journey. For many years, I encouraged Jim to expand the reach of this important initiative. That is the foundation on which Jim built Education Is Freedom.

Jim continues to support many other organizations that focus on helping people succeed. He is an amazing presenter and speaker, and now, through this book, he can share his personal and professional message with a much wider, even worldwide, audience. I am confident you will enjoy it and learn a great deal from Jim’s humble upbringing and remarkable professional and personal accolades.

Jim is, and always has been, committed to the belief that every person—especially in America—deserves an education. Armed with that education, anything is possible. That message is more important now than at any other time in our history. We have experienced the Industrial Age and the Machine Age. Now, we are in the Information Age. Today, we have so much access to this information. There has never been a better time for advancement. When we learn how to take such content and apply it to our talents, skills, and abilities—the things that make us who we are—we can achieve amazing results.

Living in America offers us so many opportunities and resources. But we lessen those possibilities without a solid education. When I was younger, I wish I would have understood the value and importance of education. I wish I recognized how it could change your life. Luckily, it is never too late. I realize that today and find myself trying to make up for lost time. If we could share this understanding with every young person across the globe, then we can rescue them from their own self-doubt. We can empower them with a belief in the power of learning to overcome obstacles and unlock opportunity. What if we could share this message with the world. When we help even one child, we help the entire community. Well now we can help all of humanity, by spreading the word about Education Is Freedom! We can all be reminded of the power of learning to transform lives… even our own.

This is why I am very excited about Jim’s work and commitment to empowering people to recognize that education really is freedom. It is an honor and a pleasure to be part of this movement.

“I have read hundreds of books, but I have never read any book that explains so clearly the value of learning, and the difference between knowledge and wisdom.”

“This book is a common sense guide to learning that applies to everyone across all walks of life. An absolute must read.”

“This is a five-star book, from a gentleman who learned that KNOWLEDGE is part of the secret sauce of happiness. Not necessarily academic knowledge - but an ongoing curiosity about what makes things tick.”